World Traveller 73

Flying standby is a bit of a game of roulette. You can get very lucky and win big, or you can spend time over and over again loosing against luck. Our...

Our last day of tasting in the Adelaide region was taking in an Austrian Icon and enjoying a boutique winery in the Adelaide Hills. The travels took us to the Penfolds...

The Adelaide Hills wine region is located immediately outside of Adelaide, South Australia. Its a lessor known region in Australias worldwide wine production that’s often over shadowed by the Barossa, McLaren...

While it’s fairly typical to experience above average food in wine country, it’s exceptionally unusual to find one with a spectacular view of the ocean and overlooking sandy beaches and a...

About 25 years ago, in another life, I used to be a ski instructor at Blackcomb Mountain, Whistler, BC, Canada. During that time, I had several Australian flat mates and had...

The city of Sydney, Australia ranks among the great cities of the globe with a world class zoo within close proximity to its downtown core. While a zoo isn’t normally on...

Our last visit to Sydney’s Beaches was to Camp’s Cove at Watson Bay. While less popular than one of the other more famous beaches in the Sydney area, it still offered...

Today’s objective was to visit the world famous Bondi Beach located in the suburbs of Sydney. The Bondi Beach has a large sandy area with terrific surf and access to a...

Local residents of Sydney, despite living in beauty, don’t always spend every waking moment at tourist attractions. Similar to local habitants of this wonderful city, we took in some of Sydney’s...

There are some cities in the world that are just photogenic by nature. Sydney, Australia is one of those cities with sights and structures to delight in. One of the easiest...

The City of Sydney, Australia has been inhabited for almost 30,000 years, and was discovered by western travellers in the 1770’s when the British when Lieutenant James Cook landed at Botany...